සිසුන් ඇතුලත් කරගැනීමේ පිළිවෙල

පාඨමාලා අධ්‍යයන වර්ෂය සෑම වසරකම ජනවාරි මාසයෙන්
පටන්ගෙන දෙසැම්බර් මාසයෙන් අවසන් වේ.
සෑම වසරකම මැයි/ ජූනි මාසය තුල පල කරනු ලබන රජයේ
ගැසට් පත්‍රය මගින් පාඨමාලා විස්තරය හා ඒවා පැවැත්වෙන
කාර්මික විද්‍යාල ඇතුලත් තොරතුරු ප්‍රසිද්ධ කරනු ලැබේ.
එහි පලකර ඇති ආදර්ශ අයදුම්පත අනුව සකස්කරන ලද
අයදුම්පත් සඳහන් කර ඇති අවසාන දිනට පෙර අදාල
කාර්මික විද්‍යාලයේ විදුහල්පති වෙත ලියාපදිංචි තැපෑලෙන්
යොමුකල යුතු වේ.
තමන් කැමති ඕනෑම පාඨමාලාවකට වෙන වෙනම
ඉල්ලුම් පත්‍රයක් බැගින් ඉදිරිපත් කල යුතුය.
අයදුම් කරුවන් තෝරාගනු ලබන්නේ අභියෝග්‍යතා
පරීක්ෂණයක් හා සම්මුඛ පරීක්ෂණයක ප්‍රතිඵල මතය.
සිසුන් ඇතුලත් කර ගැනීම පිළිබඳ වැඩි විස්තර
ඉල්ලුම්කරුට ආසන්නතම කාර්මික විද්‍යාලයේ
ඇති වෘත්තීය මාර්ගෝපදේශන මධ්‍යස්ථානයෙන්
ලබාගත හැකිවන අතර අවශ්‍ය ඕනෑම අවස්තාවක
සුදුසුකම් අනුව පාඨාමාලාවන්ට ඇතුලත්වීම
පිණිස ලියාපදිංචි විය හැක. (කාර්මික විද්‍යාල
වල පිහිටා ඇති වෘත්තීය මාර්ගෝපදේශන
මධ්‍යස්තාන වල දුරකථන අංක පිටු අංක හි දක්වා ඇත)
පාඨමාලා ගාස්තු :
පූර්ණ කාලීන පාඨමාලා සඳහා කිසිම ගාස්තුවක්
අය නොකෙරේ. එහෙත් අර්ධකාලීන/සන්ධ්‍යා
කාලීන පාඨමාලා හදාරන්නන්ගෙන් පහත පරිදි
ගාස්තු අයකරනු ලැබේ.
අවුරුද්දකට වැඩි අර්ධකාලීන/සන්ධ්‍යා කාලීන
සහතික පත්‍ර පාඨමාලා සඳහා අධ්‍යයන
වර්ෂයකට රු. 2000.00
එක් අවුරුදු හෝ ඊට අඩු කෙටිකාලීන
අර්ධකාලීන/සන්ධ්‍යා කාලීන පාඨමාලා සඳහා
අධ්‍යයන වර්ෂයකට රු. 1500.00

- National Certificate in Engineering 
(Full Time) -Engineering   Technician                                                                      
(One Year)

Entry Requirements :
1. G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in six (6)
Subjects in 
 not more than two sitting.the six (6)
shall be:

	(a) Sinhala/ Tamil/ English
	(b) Mathematics and Science
	(c) Three Other Subjects
2. Age Should be between 17 and 25 Years.

Career Prospects.
The students who successfully complete
this course 
 will be able to find employement in
and public 
 sector organizatations as:

	1. Draughtsman
	2. Technical Assistant

 They can be developed as self employees
as well.

- Certificate for Computer Application Assistants -General Studies                                                                                                                    (six  Months)

 Entry Requirement:
 1 Passes in Six (6) Subjects including
 English and Mathematics at the 
 G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in not more
  than two sittings. 
 2. Age should be between 17
 and 25 years.
  Assessment of knowledge:
   Assessment of knowledge should be made at 
   the end
   of each module. Related knowledge that is 
   to be provided
   to the  trainee in respect of each module is 
   included at the 
   beginning of the module.
 NVQ Level 3 (module):
 1. Use the Computer and Manage files within 
    standard operating systems.
 2. Perform Word Processing
 3. Prepare Spraed Sheet
 4. Computer aided Presentation
 5. Setup and use Database
 6. Perform Internet and E-mail Operations. 
- Certificate in Electrical Trade(Full 
Time) -Engineering 
 (Six Months) 
Entry Requirements :
 1 Should have passed year 9.
 2. Age Should not be less than 17 years.
Career Prospects :
On successful completion of the course,the 
 students will be able to find employment 
 oranizations, local and foreign industries.
 Moreover,then can be gainfully self employed. 
Mode of Assessment :
 Continuous assessment 
 is done once a week
 Final Examination will be conducted and the 
 certificate is awarded by the Department of 
 Technical Education and Training.

Entry Requirements :
1. Should hsve passed Year 9.
2. Age should not be less than 17 years.
-Certificate in Aluminium Fabrication
(Full Time)  
(Six Months)

- Certificate in Motor Cycle and 
Scooter Repairing
(Full Time) -Engineering Craft                                                                                            
(Six Months)

Entry Requirements :
1. Should hsve passed Year 9.
2. Age should not be less than 17 years.

Mode of Assessment :
Continuous assessment is done once a week.Final
Examination will be conducted and the cerificate
is awarded by the Technical College.
Career Prospects :
 On successful completion of the 
 course, the
 students will be able to find employment in
 related field and also to establish their own 
 - National Certificate in Engineering 
   Practice - 
   Building Craftsman
   (Full Time) -Engineering 
   (One Year)
Entry Requirement:
1.G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in  Six (6)Subjects
 passes inMathematics and  Medium Language in
 one sitting.
2. Age should be between 17 and 25 years.
under 22years are given preference.
Career Prospects:
 On successful completion of the course,the
 will be able to find employment
 as Building Supervisors in Public and Private
 organizations or abroad.  

- National Certificate in English for
  Industry and Further Education
  (Full Time) 
  -General Studies                                         
  (One Year)

Entry Requirement:
1 Passes in Six (6) Subjects including
 English at the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination
 in not more than two sittings.
2. Age should be between 17
 and 25 years.
Career Prospects:
On complrtion of the course, the students
be able to find employment  
in the Public/ Private sector as personnel
of the lower and middle  
management, public relation officers,
secretaries, receptionists, 
staff of the hotel and tourist trade,
proof readers, tecachers etc.

 1. English tecachers
 2.  Proof readers
 3. English reporters
 4. public relation officers
 5. Receptionists in travel and trade companies.  
Opportunities for further Education:
 Thoes who have 
 successfully completed 
 this course and with G.C.E.(A/L) 3 Subjects, 
 are eligible to follow the 
 National Diploma in English (Full Time/
 Part Time)
 course conducted 
 by the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced
 Technical Education (SLIATE). 

 - National Certificate in Marketing
   (Full Time) 
   -Business            Studies                                                                                                                        (One Year)

Entry Requirement :

  1. G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in Six (6)
     withpasses in Mathematics,   
     Medium language and English language in 
     one sitting.

  2. Age should be between 17 and 25 years.

 Career Prospects :
  On completion of the course,the students 
  will be able to 
  find middle level
  management positions in the fields of 
  business and 
  private organization.

  1. Salesmen
  2. Sales Assistants
  3. Purchasing Officers
  4. Supply Officers

-National Certificate in Secretarial
(Full Time) - 
(One Year)

Entry Requirement :

 1. G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in Six (6)
    with passes in Mathematics and meduim       
 Language in not more than two sittings.
    have a Credit pass in English. 
(i) Competency in spoken & written
 will be considered. 
(ii) Candidates will have to sit a
 test if so decided by the authorities. 
(iii) Female candidates are preferred.
 2. Age should be between 17 and 25 years.
    will be given to those under 22 years.			
 Career Prospects :
On completion of the course,the students
 will be 
 able to find employment in public and 
 private oranization as
	1. Secretaries
	2. Stenographers
	3. Receptionsists in Private/ Public
 Opportunities for further Education :
 Those who have successfully complete this
 eligible to follow the National Diploma
 in Secretarial Practice (Part Time) course
 by the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technical


- National Certificate for Accounting
(Full Time) -Business Studies                                                                                          
(Two Years)

Entry Requirement:
1  .G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in 
 Six (6)Subjects with passes in 
 Mathematics and  Medium Language
 in one sitting.
  2. Age should be between 17
 and 25 years.
Opportunities for further Education:
Those who have successfully completed this
eligible to follow the following courses
 conducted by 
the Sri Lanka Institute
 of Advanced Technical Education (SLIATE).
 1.Higher National Diploma in Accountancy 
 (Full Time/ Part Time)
 2.Higher National Diploma in Management
(Full Time)
 3.National Diploma in Business Studies
(Full Time)
 4.National Diploma in Business & Finance
(Full Time)  
Career Prospects:
 The Students will be able to become
 in the private sector oranizations
and pursue
career in 
 the accounting professions.

 1. Accounting technician
 2. Accounts Clerk
 3. Book Keepers
 4. Audit clerks in private/ public